We are holding a Fast 4 Tennis Event on Friday 6th September @ 7.30 pm
Fast 4 Tennis is a simple, exciting way of speeding up a conventional tennis match.
This event is for all standards. All matches will be Doubles Format and the draw will be completed on the night.
Pizza @ 9.30 pm - Cost €5 per person
There are 4 Rules to ensure matches are fast, competitive, and exciting:
First to four games wins (it doesn’t matter how you get there, just make sure you do before your opponent does!
Tiebreaker at 3 games all At 3 games all a tiebreaker is played to 5 points. A deciding point will be played at 4 points all.
No Ad scoring
Play Lets If the serve clips the net and lands in the service box, there’s no let and the ball is in play. If you are playing doubles either the receiver or the receiver’s partner can play the return.